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Contact the Deputy Prime Minister

The Deputy Prime Minister greatly values the thoughts and suggestions of Canadians.  You may use the form below to share your ideas and feedback.  Please understand that due to the volume received an e-mail response cannot be guaranteed. Please note that messages that constitute criminal harassment, contain criminal threats or promote criminally hateful speech may be shared with the police of jurisdiction.

You may also write or fax her office at:

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

Fax: 613-941-6900

* Mandatory fields.

Gifts and items sent to the Deputy Prime Minister and her family

Many Canadians choose to offer gifts to the Deputy Prime Minister and her family. These are kind and generous gestures. However, the Freeland family believes that this goodwill would be better directed towards community, charity and family.

Additionally, security regulations and the Federal Accountability Act passed in 2006 prevent and preclude the Deputy Prime Minister and her family from accepting many gifts. All monetary gifts and gift certificates will be returned to the sender. Some items, such as perishable goods, cannot be accepted for security reasons. Other items may be severely damaged due to security screening processes. We would be very disappointed to learn that any item of personal value was damaged as a result of these measures and ask that you refrain from sending these valuables.

Finally, we would ask that you consider the impact your efforts could have for those in need across Canada. The Deputy Prime Minister and her family would be heartened to know that you are focusing your generosity as a volunteer or benefactor of a dedicated charitable organization.


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